Fed Up With Manually Watering Your Garden?

Fed Up With Manually Watering Your Garden?  

What Are the Different Kinds of Irrigations System?

Center Pivot Irrigations System – This is self-propelled and powered by either water pressure, oil, or electricity. One side will remain secure, and the other will pivot around in a rotating circle. This is better suited for circle or square fields. There are other nozzles which can be used to the end for an extra spray that will cover more ground.

Linear Move Irrigation Systems – These are good for long fields, as it moves in a continuous and straight line down a field. It is able to cover multiple rows at once and is guided by a cable or GPS, all depending on how much you have to spend. But, in order for this system to work properly, the land must be level, linear systems can either be ditch or hose-fed.

Traveling Gun Systems– These are large and movable sprinklers. The sprinkler unit will sit on a cart which will be attached to a watering system. And there are 2 kinds available.

Cable Tow Traveler: there will be a hose needed to connect the water source and the machine. There will be some form of engine to power the machine. The machine will then pull along with the cable to a docking station. It will get pulled forward until it has reached the docking station, where it will stop.

Hose-Pull Traveler: this one is stationary, and is placed in a field. It too will be attached to a hose which is unwound. As the machine starts to move, it will wind up the hose, which in turn moves the sprinkler part of the machine

Solid set – this is above ground piping that hassprinklers attached to it, it is usually portable for better maneuverability.

Permanent set irrigations system– the pipes will be buried underneath the soil and have sprinklers with risers which will evenly water crops. This system works in fairly dry areas which require consistent and even watering. If you would like to speak to one of our advisors for more information, please call Oasis Irrigation today at (407) 495-2952 if you are a resident of the Orlando, FL area.

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